Completing a marathon is an incredible accomplishment that demands dedication, perseverance, and resilience. The idea of being able to run 26.2 miles in one setting is remarkable. Before completing a …
While winter season brings out the big jackets and thermal wear people still want to continue exercising. Running is an important and cost-effective way to promote cardiovascular fitness. Only problem is …
Introduction Running is something that everyone has done at some point in their life. It is part of our develop as we grow as children. As we get older running is always …
If you’re a runner, you might have heard of IT band syndrome (ITBS), a common injury that accounts for one tenth of all running injuries1. It is the second most …
What is it? A Jones Fracture is a stress fracture of the 5th Metatarsal at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction. They are often the result of repetitive stress built up over time. …
‘Tis the season of obsessing over training schedules, ice baths, forcing gels shots down, alternating shoes, scheduling long run routes around restrooms, and tapering. That’s right, it’s race season for …
What is a Patellar Tendon Strap and Should I be Wearing One? You’ve seen them out on your morning runs, passed people wearing them running your last half marathon, and …
Global Running Day is today, June 1st, and so far over 2.4 million people have pledged to get out and run! You may be thinking, “yay for them…I won’t be …
Infrapatellar Fat Pad Syndrome “Hoffa’s Syndrome” The infrapatellar fat pad is a soft tissue structure that lies just posterior to the patella in what is called the anterior interval. Although, …
The new year is officially upon us and countless resolutions have been made to get into better shape or get healthier and happier. As health and fitness has become more …
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